Had to bow out of my second screening for black belt just now. I'll be back in January. Until then, I'm closing my alt account, as well as several other financial cutbacks in order to save money for that time at which point I'll go on a LOA from work from halfway between first and second screenings until my exam.
Win, win, lose
It all works out in the end. I jumped into a crow/vaga camp in my Rupture. Crow came barreling in at me, so I barreled at him and he was webbed, scrammed, nosed, and neuted and dead before he could run off again. The Vaga ripped me up with his drones and CN widowmakers, but I deagressed and jumped the gate with 50 (!!) structure.
So then I want to dock and rep, but the only friendly station is guarded by that vaga. So we have a drake in system undock and warp to the gate as I jump in, the idea being to scare him away. Vaga does not run away, and instead he runs for the drake, with me sitting there holding my cloak. He runs directly past me, so I decloak, web, scram, nos, and neut. At this point the nighthawk and raven that jumped in after me were totally superfluous, but he did go down that much faster.
I then proceeded to lose the rupture by not paying attention to alliance and got caught by a ganksquad.
All three kills here.
Logs are fun. From them, we learn that:
- The Crow lasted 20 seconds from my first gun activation till my last.
- Counting only from when my autocannons started hitting, it's 15 seconds.
- The Vaga lasted 30 seconds from my first gun activation to his last hit on me.
- I lasted over 3.5 minutes against the Rapier, not counting the 13 seconds I was under fire from his 5 friends on the other side.
- Ruptures are awesome.
Fumbled together by
10/24/2007 05:18:00 PM
Charlie Foxtrot
Only a small one, but...how'd we manage to do this? Seriously. I warped in after the fight started, cause I was on the other gate in case they ran. I heard someone had a point on the enemy Myrm so I went for it, went down pretty fast with me pouring quake into it. The mega raped our Myrms and then me, phoon jumped gate in deep structure. Don't think the arazu did much, fight was right on the gate. How did we lose, ffs?
Fumbled together by
10/13/2007 10:44:00 AM
..caused me to miss an amazing fight today (well, yesterday). Check out the battle report here. V got wiped. Also, to stave off the inevitable whines about capitals, V dropped a cyno but nothing jumped through. Their carrier pilots were even online.
Fumbled together by
10/07/2007 12:29:00 AM
Bah. :(
See the comment, though. Meh. And I have a spare (unkit) rupture already for one reason or another (I forgot by now).
Fumbled together by
10/03/2007 09:29:00 PM